Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 70 ❚ Page 50 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum Level 3 Entrusted to act with indirect supervision : The trainee may provide clinical care when the supervising physician is not physically present within the hospital or other site of patient care, but is available by means of telephone and/or electronic media to provide advice, and can attend at the bedside if required to provide direct supervision Level 4 Entrusted to act unsupervised The ARCP will be informed by the ES report and the evidence presented in the ePortfolio. The ARCP panel will make the final summative judgement on whether the trainee has achieved the generic outcomes and the appropriate level of supervision for each CiP. The ARCP panel will determine whether the trainee can progress to the next year/level of training in accordance with the Gold Guide. ARCPs will be held for each training year. The final ARCP will ensure trainees have achieved the appropriate levels in all CiPs for the critical progression point at completion of training. 5.4 Critical progression points There will be a key progression point on completion of specialty training. Trainees will be required to be entrusted at level 4 in all CiPs by the end of training in order to achieve an ARCP outcome 6 and be recommended for a CCT. The educational supervisor report will make a recommendation to the ARCP panel as to whether the trainee has met the defined levels for the CiPs and acquired the procedural competence required for each year of training. The ARCP panel will make the final decision on whether the trainee can be signed off and progress to the next year/level of training [see section 5.6]. The outline grid below sets out the expected level of supervision and entrustment for the specialty CiPs and includes the critical progression points across the whole training programme.