Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 76 ❚ Page 56 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum supervision expected for each of the clinical and specialty CiPs. The table of practical procedures sets out the minimum level of performance expected at the end of each year or training. The requirements for each year of training are set out in the ARCP decision aid ( ). The ARCP process is described in the Gold Guide. Deaneries are responsible for organising and conducting ARCPs. The evidence to be reviewed by ARCP panels should be collected in the trainee’s ePortfolio. As a precursor to ARCPs, JRCPTB strongly recommend that trainees have an informal ePortfolio review either with their educational supervisor or arranged by the local school of medicine. These provide opportunities for early detection of trainees who are failing to gather the required evidence for ARCP. There should be review of the trainee’s progress to identify any outstanding targets that the trainee will need to complete to meet all the learning outcomes for completion training approximately 12-18 months before CCT. This should include an external assessor from outside the training programme. In order to guide trainees, supervisors and the ARCP panel, JRCPTB has produced an ARCP decision aid which sets out the requirements for a satisfactory ARCP outcome at the end of each training year and critical progression point. The ARCP decision aid is available on the JRCPTB website . Poor performance should be managed in line with the Gold Guide. 5.7 Assessment blueprint The table below show the possible methods of assessment for each CiP. It is not expected that every method will be used for each competency and additional evidence may be used to help make a judgement on capability. KEY ACAT Acute care assessment tool CbD Case-based discussion DOPS Direct observation of procedural skills Mini- CEX Mini-clinical evaluation exercise MCR Multiple consultant report MSF Multi source feedback PS Patient/parent survey QIPAT Quality improvement project assessment tool TO Teaching observation KBA Knowledge based assessment Blueprint for WPBAs mapped to CiPs