Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 172 ❚ 36 G. WEIGHT DISORDERS 1 Regulation of adipose tissue and nutritional status in health and illness • Leptin-melanocortin pathway B 2 Excessive weight gain and obesity 15 • Polygenic, multifactorial: excessive calorie intake, sedentary lifestyle, adverse emotional environment • Monogenic • Endocrine • Hypothalamic • Infant born small for gestational age • Syndromic: o Prader Willi syndrome o Bardet-Biedl syndrome o Other: Alstrom, Börjeson-Forssman-Lehman, Carpenter, Cohen, MOMO syndrome • Iatrogenic: corticosteroids, antipsychotic drugs, antiepileptic drugs C 3 Complications of obesity • Metabolic • Nonmetabolic • Related to diseases in adulthood C 4 Management of obesity • Lifestyle modifications, Pharmacotherapy, Surgery • Prevention C 5 Weight loss and/or poor weight gain • Endocrine vs nonendocrine differential diagnoses • Eating disorders C 6 Lipodystrophy syndromes D H. PITUITARY GLAND, HYPOTHALAMUS, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 1 Hypothalamic-pituitary unit: embryology, genetics, anatomy, physiology B 2 Hypothalamic dysfunction: • Pathophysiology and clinical implications • Hypothalamic syndrome and other endocrine problems B