Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 289 11 4. Knows and uses classifications of IBD eg the Paris classification H 5. Knows how to assess the severity of IBD using disease activity and endoscopic scores H 6. Understands effective treatment strategies including nutritional therapy, aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, immune modulation, and biologic treatment H 7. Understanding side effects of drugs used in treatment of IBD H 8. Knows how to perform and interpret a nutritional assessment and plans nutritional intervention together with a dietitian H 9. Formulates an individualised treatment plan and monitoring schedule to check for treatment efficacy and potential side effects H 10. Identifies the potential risks of drug treatment and recognises the adverse effects H 11. Uses antibiotics appropriately when needed H 12. Recognises the potential complications of IBD, including surgical complications (e.g. intra-abdominal mass, abscess, perforation, strictures and fistulae), malnutrition, growth failure, delayed puberty and extra-intestinal manifestations H 13. Advises about vaccination H 14. Knows when to start cancer surveillance H 15. Knows how to treat perianal disease H 16. Knows how to recognise flare of the disease and takes appropriate action to adjust treatment as necessary, including referral for surgery and the involvement of other healthcare professionals H 17. Understands adolescent medicine and knows how to manage the process of transition and transfer to adult gastroenterology H 18. Understanding specific approach to very-early onset IBD patients including consideration of possible monogenic diseases in differential diagnosis H 19. Knows how to interpret and contextualise commonly used diagnositic tests eg TPMT, 6TG, faecal calprotectin and anti-tnf levels and antibodies H 20. Knows how to investigate, diagnose and treat anaemia associated with IBD H II Management of acute, chronic diarrhoea and congenital and acquired conditions causing maldigestion and malabsorption Including: • Acute viral gastroenteritis • Bacterial, parasitic and helminthic infections of the small intestine • Coeliac disease • Early onset protracted diarrhoea (congenital enteropathies, transport disorders, protein-losing enteropathies) • Protracted diarrhoea caused by immune dysregulation • Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency 1. Recognises the mechanism and knows how to distinguish between secretory and osmotic diarrhoea H 2. Be able to assess dehydration and start management of acute gastroenteritis H 3. Diagnosis and treatment of bacterial, parasitic and helminthic infections of the small intestine H 4. Knows causes of acute gastroenteritis taking into account local disease incidence H 5. Recognises and manages the causes of early-onset protracted diarrhoea B