Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 322 ❚ European Training Programme in Paediatric Haematology and Oncology    _________________________________________________________________________________________ SIOP Europe – March 2020  Diagnostic procedures, main non‐RMS STS subtypes, prognosis and inherent treatment  stratification, based on histology/ molecular diagnosis, IRS‐stage, grading (according to  FNCLCC), size and localisation   Late effects and long‐term follow‐up  CNS TUMORS   Different biopathological types of brain tumors and related treatment (medulloblastoma,  low grade glioma, high grade glioma, brainstem glioma, ependymoma, germ cell tumors,    craniopharyngioma, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors and other rare brain tumors)   Accurate staging, including the use of RMI spine and CSF cytology in medulloblastoma,  intracranial germ cell tumors and other selected tumors, serum and CSF tumor markers in  intracranial germ cell tumors   Multimodal treatment concepts and role for targeted therapies   Impact of subgroups, variants, cytogenetics and other molecular abnormalities affecting  prognosis and treatment (i.e. MYC family genes and β‐catenin in medulloblastoma)   Complications and late effects arising from tumor, surgery, radiotherapy, and  chemotherapy related to patient’s age and stage of development (potential neurological,  endocrinological, cognitive sequelae and behavioural changes)   Predisposition to CNS tumours   Multi‐disciplinary team approach to rehabilitation and specificities of long‐term FU after  CNS tumour  RETINOBLASTOMA   Genetic counselling    Staging of retinoblastoma according to tumor extent    Indications for enucleation   Relationship between post‐surgical tumor extension and treatment after enucleation    Approach to bilateral retinoblastoma   Role of conservative treatments, including new approaches   Imaging of retinoblastoma   Screening and follow up in siblings and descendants of a patient with retinoblastoma   Secondary cancer after retinoblastoma   Late effects and long‐term follow‐up  HEPATIC TUMORS   Differential diagnosis of right upper quadrant masses