Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Neonatología. Anexos ❚ 485 11 undertake important management roles within the team and within their host organisation (usually their hospital or university). In particular, the training programme should equip the trainee with the personal and non-technical skills necessary to fulfil these roles, for example: ● Counselling ● Management ● Leadership ● Clinical governance and audit ● Statistical and interpretative skills ● Decision-making ● Situational awareness ● Team working These skills should be acquired as part of the situated competences. 5. EXAMINATIONS At present, there are no centrally-administered examinations across Europe to licence practice as a neonatologist. Several European member states currently have such certification at national level. The training described in this document merely underpins this process and we anticipate these processes will be recognised. Individuals holding their national Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (or equivalent) are eligible to work in other EU states. The process described in this document is intended to provide a framework whereby there may be confidence in the training of neonatologists in each member country. 6. TRAINING PROGRAMME 6.1 Structure of the programme The precise training programme will vary from centre to centre. We recommend that the programme be designed to ensure that the trainee acquires competencies in several key areas (see below). Each trainee should be allocated to her or his trainer at the commencement of training. The mentor is responsible for the assessment and recording of competence. In some countries final certification in Neonatology is undertaken, but this is not mandatory and should not replace the process of mentoring and professional assessment. Each of the below areas of competency comprises an area of practice specific to Neonatology. The more general areas of competency, for example ward organisational skills, clinical governance and audit, should be embedded within the general training programmes of the institutions undertaking training. These areas should be identified from the local curriculum. In addition to the training necessary to support the development of the competencies below (see 6.4), it is recommended that trainees develop expertise in specific areas relevant to the practice of tertiary Neonatology, for example: ● Peri-operative care in neonatal surgery and neonatal cardiac surgery ● Fetal medicine ● Clinical genetics