Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 486 ❚ 12 ● Organisation and conduct of specialist follow-up clinics 6.2 Duration of the training 6.2.1 The recommended minimum training period as a neonatal specialist is 3 years (following common trunk paediatric training of 3 years). It is strongly recommended that at least one year of neonatal training should be in a tertiary academic centre and that all levels of neonatal care (i.e. intensive care, high- and low-dependency care) are all encountered to gain proficiency in the above-mentioned knowledge base and procedural skills (see sections 4.1. and 4.2). 6.2.2 Training may include periods of attachment at other units for the acquisition of specific skills not available at the primary training institution. 6.3. Monitoring of the training 6.3.1 The neonatal TPD will designate a neonatologist trainer as a supervisor to each trainee at the beginning of the training programme. The trainer, with or without the TPD, provides advice to the trainee on important training issues and reviews the trainee’s progress at least at yearly intervals. 6.3.2 The trainee maintains a personal portfolio (including the assessment framework) as described above, where she/he documents relevant training experiences. This portfolio and the trainee's progress through various levels of competency are regularly reviewed by mentor and trainee (we suggest 3 monthly intervals). Successful achievement of competency is certified by the neonatologist trainer. Accompanying the assessment framework, the certification should be detailed and state: ● The duration of training, ● The centres in which the trainee received his/her education, ● Acquired knowledge and skills, and accurately quantify extent of theoretical and practical experience accumulated by the trainee over and above that recorded in the assessment framework. 6.3.3 We recommend that each national body maintains a register of trainees and provides or is provided with suitable certification of satisfactory training. Furthermore, we suggest that national bodies develop systems for the regular review of neonatal training centres using suitable measures such as the minimum scheme, as recommended in the Appendix 1. 6.4 Key competencies in Neonatology 6.4.1 Family care and care of the newborn baby: The trainee should have a wide knowledge of normal development, common minor problems and morphological variation and the importance of communication with other health care professionals and the parents. 6.4.2 Transport of the newborn baby : The trainee will be competent at retrieval and transport of the sick newborn baby and will be able to teach others to carry out transfers.