Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 496 ❚ 22 Manageme nt/ Clinical Governanc e - understands the concept of clinical government - leads multi- disciplinary team meetings - performs clinical government reviews - prepares multi- disciplinary case reviews Structured clinical hand over - knows SBAR format - follows SBAR format - effective communication with the team Communic ation and counselling - knows principles of effective communication - knowns gestational age specific progression of diseases - demonstrates effective technique of breaking bad news, handling perinatal death and discusses prognosis with parents - is able to reflect on infants disease progression and gestational age diseases entities Ethics competence in the basic ethics of newborn medicine - effectively manages infants at the threshold of viability, incl. deliberating end-of- life care decisions - effectively identifies and manages basics for facilitating organ donation - effectively communicates with colleagues, carers and families manages infants at the threshold of viability, incl. options for end-of-life care and organ donation TABLE 4: Summary of principles Neonatology Degree of knowledge required: H = HIGH Up to date scientific knowledge B = BASIC Specialty textbook A BASIC KNOWLEDGE 1 Neonatal physiology with particular regard to postnatal adaptation/transition B 2 Resuscitation/stabilisation algorithm H