Libro blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024

Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 498 ❚ 24 3 Intracranial trauma B 4 Seizures B G CONGENITAL ANOMALIES AND GENETIC DISEASE 1 Recognition of common congenital anomalies B 2 Literature and database searches to identify rare conditions H 3 Communicating information to parents B H CARDIORESPIRATORY INTENSIVE CARE 1 knowledge of the principles and application of a range of ventilatory modalities for acute and chronic lung disease B 2 knowledge of the principles and application of circulatory support B 3 indication and provision of short-term and long-term intravenous and inhaled pulmonary vasodilators H 4 management of cardiocirculatory complications including vasopressor and inotropic support H I FLUID BALANCE, THERMOREGULATION AND RENAL FAILURE 1 Principles of thermal management B 2 Management of fluid balance including renal dysfunction B J Haematology and transfusion 1 Management of anaemia and hyperbilirubinemia B 2 Use of blood derivatives B Metabolism and endocrine disorders Investigation and management of the more common and important metabolic and endocrine disorders B Nutrition, feedings, gastro-intestinal and hepatic disease Principles of enteral and parenteral nutrition B Recognition of congenital or acquired gastro-intestinal complications B Immunity and infection