Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 102 ❚ Page 60 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum methods, their purposes and use. Training will ensure a shared understanding and a consistency in the use of the WPBAs and the application of standards. Opportunities for feedback to trainees about their performance will arise through the use of the workplace based assessments, regular appraisal meetings with supervisors, other meetings and discussions with supervisors and colleagues, and feedback from ARCP. Trainees Trainees should make the safety of patients their first priority and they should not be practising in clinical scenarios which are beyond their experiences and competencies without supervision. Trainees should actively devise individual learning goals in discussion with their trainers and should subsequently identify the appropriate opportunities to achieve said learning goals. Trainees would need to plan their WPBAs accordingly to enable their WPBAs to collectively provide a picture of their development during a training period. Trainees should actively seek guidance from their trainers in order to identify the appropriate learning opportunities and plan the appropriate frequencies and types of WPBAs according to their individual learning needs. It is the responsibility of trainees to seek feedback following learning opportunities and WPBAs. Trainees should self-reflect and self-evaluate regularly with the aid of feedback. Furthermore, trainees should formulate action plans with further learning goals in discussion with their trainers. 6.2 Appraisal A formal process of appraisals and reviews underpins training. This process ensures adequate supervision during training, provides continuity between posts and different supervisors and is one of the main ways of providing feedback to trainees. All appraisals should be recorded in the ePortfolio Induction Appraisal The trainee and educational supervisor should have an appraisal meeting at the beginning of each post to review the trainee’s progress so far, agree learning objectives for the post ahead and identify the learning opportunities presented by the post. Reviewing progress through the curriculum will help trainees to compile an effective Personal Development Plan (PDP) of objectives for the upcoming post. This PDP should be agreed during the Induction Appraisal. The trainee and supervisor should also both sign the educational agreement in the e-portfolio at this time, recording their commitment to the training process. Mid-point Review This meeting between trainee and educational supervisor is not mandatory (particularly when an attachment is shorter than 6 months) but is encouraged particularly if either the trainee or educational or clinical supervisor has training concerns or the trainee has been set specific targeted training objectives at their ARCP).At this meeting trainees should review their PDP with their supervisor using evidence from the e-portfolio. Workplace based assessments and progress through the curriculum can be reviewed to ensure trainees are progressing satisfactorily, and attendance at educational events should also be reviewed. The PDP can be amended at this review.