Cardiología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 105 Page 63 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum Reflections, assessments and other ePortfolio content should be used to provide evidence towards acquisition of curriculum capabilities. Trainees should add their own self- assessment ratings to record their view of their progress. The aims of the self-assessment are: • to provide the means for reflection and evaluation of current practice • to inform discussions with supervisors to help both gain insight and assists in developing personal development plans. • to identify shortcomings between experience, competency and areas defined in the curriculum so as to guide future clinical exposure and learning. Supervisors can sign-off and comment on curriculum capabilities to build up a picture of progression and to inform ARCP panels. 9 Equality and diversity The Royal Colleges of Physicians will comply, and ensure compliance, with the requirements of equality and diversity legislation set out in the Equality Act 2010. The Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians believes that equality of opportunity is fundamental to the many and varied ways in which individuals become involved with the Colleges, either as members of staff and Officers; as advisers from the medical profession; as members of the Colleges' professional bodies or as doctors in training and examination candidates. Deaneries quality assurance will ensure that each training programme complies with the equality and diversity standards in postgraduate medical training as set by GMC. They should provide access to a professional support unit or equivalent for trainees requiring additional support. Compliance with anti-discriminatory practice will be assured through: • monitoring of recruitment processes • ensuring all College representatives and Programme Directors have attended appropriate training sessions prior to appointment or within 12 months of taking up post • Deaneries ensuring that educational supervisors have had equality and diversity training (for example, an e-learning module) every three years • Deaneries ensuring that any specialist participating in trainee interview/appointments committees or processes has had equality and diversity training (at least as an e- module) every three years • ensuring trainees have an appropriate, confidential and supportive route to report examples of inappropriate behaviour of a discriminatory nature. Deaneries and Programme Directors must ensure that on appointment trainees are made aware of the route in which inappropriate or discriminatory behaviour can be reported and supplied with contact names and numbers. Deaneries must also ensure contingency mechanisms are in place if trainees feel unhappy with the response or uncomfortable with the contact individual