Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 46 ❚ Page 4 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum capabilities, including ensuring that the patient is at the centre of any consultation and decision making. In addition, the ability to deal with the acutely ill patient with a paediatric or congenital cardiac emergency, including the delivery of emergency therapies, interventions and multidisciplinary working will remain a critical service need. The curriculum aims to deliver a breadth of generalist skills to equip the future workforce to deal with the entire range of acute and emergency presentations, while retaining the ability to develop themed for service expertise in the 2 last years of training. There are currently around 108 wte UK consultant Paediatric Cardiologists in the UK. There are a further 20 or so who only manage adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD). Current NHS England National commissioning standards require around 2 per million population of 'paediatric' cardiologists and 1 per million ACHD consultants meaning that there is currently almost a one third shortfall in consultants needed. There are also service specific commissioning requirements for provision of particular themed for service areas within each cardiac unit. ACHD consultants can train either via the Adult Cardiology Curriculum or this one but there remains a significant training deficit which this curriculum may help to address. The small specialties review conducted by Health Education England in 2018 suggested that no increase in training numbers was required at the current time making it even more important to ensure generalist training is preserved while closely monitoring the epidemiology of congenital and acquired heart disease. Curriculum purpose This curriculum will ensure that the trainee develops the full range of generic professional capabilities and underlying knowledge and skills, specifically their application in the practice of congenital cardiology and paediatric acquired heart disease. It will also ensure that the trainee develops the full range of speciality-specific core capabilities, together with at least one area of advanced practice. The objectives of the curriculum are: • To set out a range of specific professional capabilities that encompass all knowledge, skills and activities needed to practice congenital and Paediatric Cardiology at consultant level. • To set expected standards of knowledge and performance of various professional skills and activities at each stage. • To suggest indicative training times and experiences needed to achieve the required standards. Paediatric Cardiology higher specialty training will be an indicative five-year programme that will begin at ST4. Trainees entering following completion of the Core Paediatric Level 1 curriculum, having obtained MRCPCH, will not require any additional training prior to entry. It is anticipated that (as at present) the majority of trainees will enter from