Cardiología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 47 Page 5 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum Paediatrics. However, entry will also be possible following completion of 2 years of the Internal Medicine stage 1 curriculum having obtained MRCP. Internal Medicine Trainees will have to have demonstrated additional core paediatric and neonatal capabilities (nominal 1 year) prior to commencing the ST4-8 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum. This paediatric training would be organised by the employing deanery following appointment to the post, rather than being expected of the trainee at the time of appointment. All paediatric cardiologists will be equipped to deal with any acute Paediatric Cardiology presentation, whilst also having advanced training in at least one specialty area of practice. This will require participation in speciality specific Paediatric Cardiology on call rotas throughout their training. This will enable the development of teams of cardiologists necessary to deliver the full range of diagnostic and interventional skills in such a broad- based and procedural specialty. Maintaining general Paediatric Cardiology training alongside special interest training throughout the entire training period will ensure delivery of training encompassing the GMC’s Generic Professional Capability framework. Core training needs to introduce trainees to all areas of congenital and Paediatric Cardiology as there is very little exposure to this in either Level 1 Paediatrics or indeed in Stage 1 IMT. Most trainees will therefore be commencing their formal training in the specialty with little or no previous relevant experience on which to build. This is particularly relevant as Paediatric Cardiology can only be practised in highly specialised Congenital Cardiac Centres (in the UK and Ireland) of which there are 12 Level 1 (surgical and cardiology) and 4 Level 2 (Cardiology only) centres. Given the lack of previous experience, there is therefore the indicative requirement in this curriculum for a nominal total of 4 years equivalent in-program training experience in general Paediatric Cardiology, to achieve Level 4 capability (independent practice) in this fundamental area. However, given the wide range of the curriculum it is also important all new consultants have established an area of additional expertise to complement the required skill sets of existing teams. Thus, the fourth and final indicative year of general experience will be split across 2 years to allow timely acquisition of special interest skills to Level 3/4 capability (with an expected general/special interest training time split of 50:50). Many of the necessary training opportunities occur relatively infrequently but are of high complexity, hence the need for special interest skill acquisition over two years. It is therefore expected trainees will require five years indicative training in order to satisfy curriculum requirements, although it is recognised some trainees may achieve competence and be assessed as being capable of independent practice earlier than this indicative timescale (and some may take longer). Scope of practice