Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 52 ❚ Page 10 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum Recruitment into Paediatric Cardiology training is possible from two UK feeding programs, these being Paediatrics (Progress) and Adult Medicine (IMT). The dual entry points reflect the frequency at which paediatric cardiologists provide care to adults with congenital heart disease. Whilst the majority of trainees currently enter from a paediatric background, the pathway for those trainees joining from IMT is also clearly defined. For applicants approaching training from Progress an ARCP Outcome 1 is required at the end of Level 1 training (ST3) as well as full MRCPCH; this ensures all training eligibility criteria have been met. Given it is possible to accelerate training and attain ST3 in a minimum of 24 months, entry into Paediatric Cardiology training from Progress may occur after 24 months; 36 months training is not mandatory. For applicants with paediatric training accreditation not acquired in the UK, many will have attained a qualification in Europe and will be listed on the GMC Specialist Register. These applicants are regarded as holding the equivalent of CCT in paediatrics by the GMC and are eligible to apply directly to Paediatric Cardiology training. It is necessary for an applicant to either enter paediatric run-through training or to enrol with the RCPCH, arrange Educational Supervision of posts which offer sufficient training exposure and use the College’s ePortfolio platform (“Kaizen”) as a non-trainee, which is available at cost, to evidence training progression. However, for those applicants who are not in paediatric run-through training and who are working in posts that can deliver the requisite training exposure, a schedule of requirements is as follows: • Educational/Clinical Supervisor’s report which specifically comments on adherence to a personal development plan geared to deliver the required paediatric competencies for entry into PC training. This should also comment specifically on evidence for having shown achievement of the Progress Learning Outcomes, for example though a skills log and reflective pieces • Multi-source feedback