Cardiología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 53 Page 11 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum • Current APLS and NLS certification • MRPCH all three parts • At least one safeguarding CbD and certification of at least Level 2 intercollegiate safeguarding competencies • Mandatory SLEs: One HAT and at one DOPS in the five mandatory procedures (peripheral IV line insertion, lumbar puncture, bag and mask ventilation, neonatal intubation, umbilical vein catheterisation). For applications from individuals taking this route there will be significant heterogeneity in experience. A final decision whether to allow an application will be made on a case by case basis by the recruitment team. For applicants entering Paediatric Cardiology training from IMT an ARCP Outcome 1 is required at IMY3 as well as full MRCP. This ensures training eligibility criteria are met. It is recognised that applicants from IMT are less likely to have previous paediatric experience. It is also impractical to expect the necessary skills to be acquired prior to application, as this would require resignation of NTN. However, having accepted a paediatric cardiology NTN, it is expected a trainee in IMT will exit the IMT program and spend 12 months in paediatric rotations. This must include six months neonatal medicine and six months paediatrics delivering acute care exposure. Whilst the rotations will not be in a paediatric NTN post, trainees are advised to contact the RCPCH to set up a Kaizen account, which will allow documentation of work place assessments, a skills log (in particular the five mandatory skills pertaining to ST1 paediatric training) and Educational Supervision (or at very least, Clinical Supervision). Trainees entering Paediatric Cardiology training from IMT are not required to fulfil the full criteria for Progress Level 1, having satisfied the alternative adult medicine Stage I criteria. 2.4 Duration of training Whilst most trainees enter Paediatric Cardiology training from core paediatric training, for trainees undertaking initial training in CMT it is necessary for them to obtain basic paediatric competencies. It is anticipated that level 1 paediatric competencies can be achieved during a 12-month period of paediatric training after completion of CMT. For trainees where it has not been possible to acquire these competencies before application for training in Paediatric Cardiology then this experience should be arranged by the deanery as fixed term training upon entry into specialist training in Paediatric Cardiology (resulting in an extension of the overall period of training). This period of paediatric training is likely to be achieved in 12 months and should include training in neonatal paediatrics, perhaps for a nominal 6- month period ideally in a tertiary centre. This will remain unchanged in the new pathway with Paediatric Cardiology. Paediatric Cardiology will be a group 2 specialty and will comprise an indicative 2 years of Internal Medicine Training followed by 12 months of paediatric training then 5 years of specialty training. The overall training duration will be 8 years.