Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 54 ❚ Page 12 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum There will be options for those trainees who demonstrate exceptionally rapid development and acquisition of capabilities to complete training more rapidly than the current indicative time although it is recognised that clinical experience is a fundamental aspect of development as a good physician (guidance on completing training early will be available on the JRCPTB website ). There may also be a small number of trainees who develop more slowly and will require an extension of training in line the Reference Guide for Postgraduate Specialty Training in the UK (The Gold Guide). 2.5 Flexibility and accreditation of transferable capabilities The curriculum incorporates and emphasises the importance of the generic professional capabilities (GPCs). GPCs will promote flexibility in postgraduate training as these common capabilities can be transferred from specialty to specialty. In addition, the generic CiPs will be shared across all physicianly curricula supporting flexibility for trainees to move between these specialties without needing to repeat aspects of training. The curriculum supports the accreditation of transferable competencies (using the Academy framework). 2.6 Less than full time training Trainees are entitled to opt for less than full time training programmes. Less than full time trainees should undertake a pro rata share of the out-of-hours duties (including on-call and other out-of-hours commitments) required of their full-time colleagues in the same programme and at the equivalent stage. Less than full time trainees should assume that their clinical training will be of a duration pro-rata with the time indicated/recommended, but this should be reviewed in accordance with the Gold Guide. 2.7 Generic Professional Capabilities and Good Medical Practice The GMC has developed the Generic professional capabilities (GPC) framework 1 with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) to describe the fundamental, career-long, generic capabilities required of every doctor. The framework describes the requirement to develop and maintain key professional values and behaviours, knowledge, and skills, using a common language. GPCs also represent a system-wide, regulatory response to the most common contemporary concerns about patient safety and fitness to practise within the medical profession. The framework will be relevant at all stages of medical education, training and practice. 1 Generic professional capabilities framework