Cardiología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 55 Page 13 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum Good medical practice (GMP) 2 is embedded at the heart of the GPC framework. In describing the principles, duties and responsibilities of doctors the GPC framework articulates GMP as a series of achievable educational outcomes to enable curriculum design and assessment. The GPC framework describes nine domains with associated descriptor outlining the ‘minimum common regulatory requirement’ of performance and professional behaviour for those completing a CCT or its equivalent. These attributes are common, minimum and generic standards expected of all medical practitioners achieving a CCT or its equivalent. The nine domains and subsections of the GPC framework are directly identifiable in the curriculum. They are mapped to each of the generic and specialty CiPs, which are in turn mapped to the assessment blueprints. This is to emphasise those core professional capabilities that are essential to safe clinical practice and that they must be demonstrated at every stage of training as part of the holistic development of responsible professionals. This approach will allow early detection of issues most likely to be associated with fitness to practise and to minimise the possibility that any deficit is identified during the final phases of training. 2 Good Medical Practice