Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 56 ❚ Page 14 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum 3. Content of Learning The curriculum is spiral and topics and themes will be revisited to expand understanding and expertise. The level of entrustment for capabilities in practice (CiPs) will increase as an individual progresses from needing direct supervision to able to entrusted to act unsupervised. 3.1 Capabilities in practice CiPs describe the professional tasks or work within the scope of the specialty. CiPs are based on the concept of entrustable professional activities 3 which use the professional judgement of appropriately trained, expert assessors as a defensible way of forming global judgements of professional performance. Each CiP has a set of descriptors associated with that activity or task. Descriptors are intended to help trainees and trainers recognise the knowledge, skills and attitudes which should be demonstrated. Doctors in training may use these capabilities to provide evidence of how their performance meets or exceeds the minimum expected level of performance for their year of training. The descriptors are not a comprehensive list and there are many more examples that would provide equally valid evidence of performance. Many of the CiP descriptors refer to patient centred care and shared decision making. This is to emphasise the importance of patients being at the centre of decisions about their own treatment and care, by exploring care or treatment options and their risks and benefits and discussing choices available. Additionally, the CiPs repeatedly refer to the need to demonstrate professional behaviour with regard to patients, carers, colleagues and others. Good doctors work in partnership with patients and respect their rights to privacy and dignity. They treat each patient as an individual. They do their best to make sure all patients receive good care and treatment that will support them to live as well as possible, whatever their illness or disability. Appropriate professional behaviour should reflect the principles of GMP and the GPC framework. In order to complete training and be recommended to the GMC for the award of CCT and entry to the specialist register, the doctor must demonstrate that they are capable of unsupervised practice in all generic and specialty CiPs. Once a trainee has achieved level 4 sign off for a CiP it will not be necessary to repeat assessment of that CiP if capability is maintained (in line with standard professional conduct). This section of the curriculum details the six generic CiPs and the specialty CiPs for Paediatric Cardiology. The expected levels of performance, mapping to relevant GPCs and the evidence that may be used to make an entrustment decision are given for each CiP. The list of evidence for each CiP is not prescriptive and other types of evidence may be equally valid for that CiP. 3 Nuts and bolts of entrustable professional activities