Cardiología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 57 Page 15 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum 3.2 Generic capabilities in practice The six generic CiPs cover the universal requirements of all specialties as described in GMP and the GPC framework. Assessment of the generic CiPs will be underpinned by the descriptors for the nine GPC domains and evidenced against the performance and behaviour expected at that stage of training. Satisfactory sign off will indicate that there are no concerns. It will not be necessary to assign a level of supervision for these non-clinical CiPs. In order to ensure consistency and transferability, the generic CiPs have been grouped under the GMP-aligned categories used in the Foundation Programme curriculum plus an additional category for wider professional practice: • professional behaviour and trust • communication, team-working and leadership • safety and quality • wider professional practice. For each generic CiP there is a set of descriptors of the observable skills and behaviours which would demonstrate that a trainee has met the minimum level expected. The descriptors are not a comprehensive list and there may be more examples that would provide equally valid evidence of performance. KEY CbD Case-based discussion DOPS Direct observation of procedural skills GCP Good Clinical Practice KBA Knowledge based assessment Mini-CEX Mini-clinical evaluation exercise MCR Multiple consultant report MSF Multi source feedback PS Patient/parent survey QIPAT Quality improvement project assessment tool TO Teaching observation Generic capabilities in practice (CiPs) Category 1: Professional behaviour and trust 1. Able to function successfully within NHS organisational and management systems Descriptors • Aware of and adheres to the GMC professional requirements • Aware of public health issues including population health, social detriments of health and global health perspectives • Demonstrates effective clinical leadership • Demonstrates promotion of an open and transparent culture • Keeps practice up to date through learning and teaching • Demonstrates engagement in career planning • Demonstrates capabilities in dealing with complexity and uncertainty