Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 60 ❚ Page 18 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum • dealing with complexity and uncertainty • clinical skills (history taking, diagnosis and medical management; consent; humane interventions; prescribing medicines safely; using medical devices safely; infection control and communicable disease) Domain 3: Professional knowledge • professional requirements • national legislative requirements • the health service and healthcare systems in the four countries Domain 4: Capabilities in health promotion and illness prevention Domain 5: Capabilities in leadership and teamworking Domain 6: Capabilities in patient safety and quality improvement • patient safety • quality improvement Evidence to inform decision MCR MSF QIPAT End of placement reports Category 4: Wider professional practice 5. Carrying out research and managing data appropriately Descriptors • Manages clinical information/data appropriately • Understands principles of research and academic writing • Demonstrates ability to carry out critical appraisal of the literature • Understands the role of evidence in clinical practice and demonstrates shared decision making with patients • Demonstrates appropriate knowledge of research methods, including qualitative and quantitative approaches in scientific enquiry • Demonstrates appropriate knowledge of research principles and concepts and the translation of research into practice • Follows guidelines on ethical conduct in research and consent for research • Understands public health epidemiology and global health patterns • Recognises potential of applied informatics, genomics, stratified risk and personalised medicine and seeks advice for patient benefit when appropriate GPCs Domain 3: Professional knowledge • professional requirements • national legislative requirements • the health service and healthcare systems in the four countries Domain 7: Capabilities in safeguarding vulnerable groups Domain 9: Capabilities in research and scholarship Evidence to inform decision MCR MSF GCP certificate (if involved in clinical research) Evidence of literature search and critical appraisal of research