Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 64 ❚ Page 22 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum • Demonstrates knowledge of the natural history of functional heart disease in utero and how this differs from postnatal disease. • Able to advise patients with CHD on precautions to reduce the risk of acquired heart disease • Manages patients with acquired heart disease in clinic • Provides cardiology input and advice to patients under shared care and patients in intensive care with acquired heart disease • Provides cardiology advice to referring teams transferring patients to cardiac centres • Able to perform and report echocardiograms to diagnose abnormalities in cardiac function and coronary abnormalities associated with acquired heart disease in children • Demonstrates knowledge of the role of advanced echo techniques including tissue Doppler imaging, speckle tracking, myocardial deformation imaging and dysynchrony studies to serially assess cardiac function in children with functional heart disease • Refers patients appropriately for TOE, cardiac MRI and CT • Safely prescribes drugs commonly used in children with acquired heart disease • Able to advise and refer children with chronic functional heart disease for support with feeding and nutrition. • Able to identify patients with indications for cardiac transplantation and initiate appropriate investigations. • Demonstrates understanding of the indications for ECMO and VAD support in patients with severely impaired cardiac function • Identifies when ongoing treatment may not be in the patient’s best interest. Able to counsel and refer patients to the palliative care service appropriately • Supports patients transitioning from paediatric to young adult services GPCs Domain 1: Professional values and behaviours Domain 2: Professional skills Practical skills, Communication and interpersonal skills, Dealing with complexity and uncertainty, Clinical skills Domain 3: Professional knowledge Professional requirements, National legislative requirements, The health service and healthcare system in the four countries Domain 4: Capabilities in health promotion and illness prevention Domain 5: Capabilities in leadership and team working Domain 6: Capabilities in patient safety and quality improvement Patient safety, Quality improvement