Cardiología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 91 Page 49 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum 5.3 Assessment of CiPs Assessment of CiPs involves looking across a range of different skills and behaviours to make global decisions about a learner’s suitability to take on particular responsibilities or tasks. Clinical supervisors and others contributing to assessment will provide formative feedback to the trainee on their performance throughout the training year. This feedback will include a global rating in order to indicate to the trainee and their educational supervisor how they are progressing at that stage of training. To support this, workplace based assessments and multiple consultant reports will include global assessment anchor statements. Global assessment anchor statements ➢ Below expectations for this year of training; may not meet the requirements for critical progression point ➢ Meeting expectations for this year of training; expected to progress to next stage of training ➢ Above expectations for this year of training; expected to progress to next stage of training Towards the end of the training year, trainees will make a self-assessment of their progression for each CiP and record this in the ePortfolio with signposting to the evidence to support their rating. The educational supervisor (ES) will review the evidence in the ePortfolio including workplace based assessments, feedback received from clinical supervisors (via the Multiple Consultant Report) and the trainee’s self-assessment and record their judgement on the trainee’s performance in the ES report, with commentary. For generic CiPs , the ES will indicate whether the trainee is meeting expectations or not using the global anchor statements above. Trainees will need to be meeting expectations for the stage of training as a minimum to be judged satisfactory to progress to the next training year. For specialty CiPs , the ES will make an entrustment decision for each CiP and record the indicative level of supervision required with detailed comments to justify their entrustment decision. The ES will also indicate the most appropriate global anchor statement (see above) for overall performance. Level descriptors for specialty CiPs Level Descriptor Level 1 Entrusted to observe only – no provision of clinical care Level 2 Entrusted to act with direct supervision : The trainee may provide clinical care, but the supervising physician is physically within the hospital or other site of patient care and is immediately available if required to provide direct bedside supervision