Cardiología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 97 Page 55 of 64 Paediatric Cardiology curriculum documentation or on a presentation of the quality improvement project at a meeting. If possible the trainee should be assessed on the same quality improvement project by more than one assessor. Teaching Observation (TO) The TO form is designed to provide structured, formative feedback to trainees on their competence at teaching. The TO can be based on any instance of formalised teaching by the trainee which has been observed by the assessor. The process should be trainee-led (identifying appropriate teaching sessions and assessors). Supervisor reports Multiple Consultant Report (MCR) The MCR captures the views of consultant supervisors based on observation on a trainee's performance in practice. The MCR feedback and comments received give valuable insight into how well the trainee is performing, highlighting areas of excellence and areas of support required. MCR feedback will be available to the trainee and contribute to the educational supervisor’s report. Educational supervisors report (ESR) The ES will periodically (at least annually) record a longitudinal, global report of a trainee’s progress based on a range of assessment, potentially including observations in practice or reflection on behaviour by those who have appropriate expertise and experience. The ESR will include the ES’s summative judgement of the trainee’s performance and the entrustment decisions given for the learning outcomes (CiPs). The ESR can incorporate commentary or reports from longitudinal observations, such as from supervisors (MCRs) and formative assessments demonstrating progress over time . 5.6 Decisions on progress (ARCP) The decisions made at critical progression points and upon completion of training should be clear and defensible. They must be fair and robust and make use of evidence from a range of assessments, potentially including exams and observations in practice or reflection on behaviour by those who have appropriate expertise or experience. They can also incorporate commentary or reports from longitudinal observations, such as from supervisors or formative assessments demonstrating progress over time. Periodic (at least annual) review should be used to collate and systematically review evidence about a doctor’s performance and progress in a holistic way and make decisions about their progression in training. The annual review of progression (ARCP) process supports the collation and integration of evidence to make decisions about the achievement of expected outcomes. Assessment of CiPs involves looking across a range of different skills and behaviours to make global decisions about a learner’s suitability to take on particular responsibilities or tasks, as do decisions about the satisfactory completion of presentations/conditions and procedural skills set out in this curriculum. The outline grid in section 5.4 sets out the level of