Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 26 ❚ 2 Preamble The Union Europénne des Medecins Specialistes / Union of European Medical Specialists (UEMS) is a non-governmental organisation representing national associations of medical specialists at the European Level. With a current membership of 40 national associations and operating through 43 Specialist Sections and European Boards, the UEMS is committed to promote the free movement of medical specialists across Europe while ensuring the highest level of training, which will pave the way to the improvement of quality of care for the benefit of all European citizens. The UEMS areas of expertise notably encompass Continuing Medical Education, Post Graduate Training and Quality Assurance. It is the UEMS' conviction that the quality of medical care and expertise is directly linked to the quality of training provided to the medical professionals. Therefore the UEMS committed itself to contribute to the improvement of medical training at the European level through the development of European Standards in the different medical disciplines. No matter where doctors are trained, they should have at least the same core competencies. In 1994, the UEMS adopted its Charter on Post Graduate Training aiming at providing the recommendations at the European level for good medical training. Made up of six chapters, this Charter set the basis for the European approach in the field of Post Graduate Training. With five chapters being common to all specialties, this Charter provided a sixth chapter, known as “Chapter 6” that each Specialist Section was to complete according to the specific needs of their discipline. More than a decade after the introduction of this Charter, the UEMS Specialist Sections and European Boards have continued working on developing these European Standards in Medical training that reflects modern medical practice and current scientific findings. In doing so, the UEMS Specialist Sections and European Boards did not aimed to supersede the National Authorities' competence in defining the content of postgraduate training in their own State but rather to complement these and ensure that high quality training is provided across Europe. At the European level, the legal mechanism ensuring the free movement of doctors through the recognition of their qualifications was established back in the 1970s by the European Union. Sectorial Directives were adopted and one Directive addressed specifically the issue of medical Training at the European level. However, in 2005, the European Commission proposed to the European Parliament and Council to have a unique legal framework for the recognition of the Professional Qualifications to facilitate and improve the mobility of all workers throughout Europe. This Directive 2005/36/EC established the mechanism of automatic mutual recognition of qualifications for medical doctors according to training requirements within all Member States; this is based on the length of training in the Specialty and the title of qualification. Given the long-standing experience of UEMS Specialist Sections and European Boards on the one hand and the European legal framework enabling Medical Specialists and Trainees to move from one country to another on the other hand, the UEMS is uniquely in position to provide specialty-based recommendations. The UEMS values professional competence as “the habitual and judicious use of communication, knowledge, technical skills, clinical reasoning, emotions, values, and reflection in daily practice for the benefit of the individual and community being served”. While professional activity is regulated by national law in EU Member States, it is the UEMS understanding that it has to comply with International treaties and UN declarations on Human Rights as well as the World Medical Association (WMA)