Endocrinología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 37 13 • Expand beyond their clinical role to take on educational and scholarly roles • Be trained in clinical research and capable of conducting/establishing meaningful research • Create, translate and disseminate medical knowledge and practices 7. Professional: Demonstrate • professional behaviours and values including probity, ethical standards, and respect for patients, society and the profession • commitment to the health and wellbeing of self, individuals and society through ethical practice, professional led regulation and high personal standards of behaviour. • professional competence, which is " the habitual and judicious use of communication, knowledge, technical skills, clinical reasoning, emotions, values and reflection in daily practice for the individual and community being served." 1 • clinical competence as well as all key qualities that enable trust: integrity (truthfulness and benevolence), reliability (conscientiousness and predictable behaviour) and humility (recognition of own limitations and willingness to ask for help if needed) 8. Mentor: • Develop mentorship skills during the period of training • Recognise strong attributes and aspects that need improvement among younger colleagues, provide constructive feedback, and guide and support them to enhance their professional development 1 Epstein RM, Hundert EM. Defining and assessing professional competence. JAMA . 2002; 287(2): 226–235. doi:10.1001/jama.287.2.226