Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 44 ❚ 20 Competencies should be evaluated throughout the training period. There are a number of different tools for this, describing different aspects of training. Some of these are set out below in Table 1. Formal and informal reflection on these assessments and the feedback received is an important aspect of their success. Table 1. Examples of Formative Work-place based assessments Assessment Purpose Method MiniCeX (Mini clinical examination) Provides feedback on skills needed in clinical care Trainer observes a trainee examining a patient, sharing information and explaining the management plan to the parents CbD (Case based discussion) Assesses clinical reasoning or decision making Trainee presents a more complex case to the trainer and has a discussion about the evidence or basis for diagnosis or treatment. LEADER Focuses on leadership skills A trainee is observed within a team and in a leadership capacity (e.g. leading the management of a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis; leading a multi-disciplinary team meeting) HAT (Handover assessment tool) Evaluates handover skills Handover episodes are supervised and discussed DOC (Discussion of correspondence) Assesses letter writing skills Clinic letters or discharges are reviewed and discussed MSF (Multi-source feedback) Provides wider feedback on performance Confidential comments from a wide range of colleagues, patients and the trainee are sought A guide to workplace-based assessment can be found at: 7.3.3 Summative assessments Summative assessments have important purposes in selection, certification and institutional accountability. Currently satisfactory completion of the training programme in Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes is undertaken according to national legislation in each country. A Pan-European Exit Summative Examination is recommended by UEMS. Accordingly, ESPE will develop an assessment strategy for an exit examination.