Endocrinología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 47 23 D. DECISION MAKING 1 Synthesise information, evaluate options and propose best solutions for • individual case plans, long-term scheduling plans • under normal conditions and time pressure crisis situations 2 Deal with uncertainty, and information which may be incomplete and conflicting 3 Manage risk and re-evaluate E. SAFEGUARDING 1 Understand children's rights and statutory context within which we work and legislation including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Human Rights Act. 2 Recognise potential indicators of child maltreatment and make an appropriate referral. Document appropriately when a child is not brought to an appointment, identify patterns of nonattendance and act appropriately to ensure the child's health needs are met. 3 Recognise that particular groups of children are more vulnerable. Have an understanding of the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Proactively engage vulnerable young people to identify and address additional health needs. 4 Understand the impact of parents'/carers' mental/physical health on the wellbeing of children. 5 Understanding what to do about concerns about children including how and when to share information according to Caldicott principles and how to escalate concerns when the response is not appropriate. Identify and act appropriately and proactively on safeguarding concerns including: • keep appropriate records, and differentiating fact from opinion • communicate safeguarding/child protection concerns both verbally and in a written report to a variety of multi-disciplinary for and within court proceedings. This will be supervised by the consultant in charge of the child’s care. • intervene early and proactively to reduce risk, including contributing to risk assessments. • share information (in person, by phone and in writing) • seek further advice and help when necessary • make appropriate referrals • contribute to multi-disciplinary assessments and effective management plans • escalate concerns if concerns are not taken seriously 6 Be aware of professional abuse and how to raise concerns. Act on concerns or suspicions about colleagues in relation to their actions or behaviours with children.
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