Endocrinología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 49 25 I. HEALTH ECONOMICS AND SERVICE PROVISION 1 Function effectively in a hospital organisation, in particular the paediatric endocrinology and diabetes service 2 Contribute to the population-based approach for healthcare 3 Understand, use and develop health care guidelines and policies 4 Apply principles of health economics 5 Contribute to health screening and surveillance programmes J. SCIENCE AND BIOSTATISTICS 1 Formulate a clinical or scientific question Know strengths and limitations of different study designs, and propose most appropriate method to answer the question 2 Prepare protocol and carry out a project, e.g. • Perform a literature search and critically appraise papers • Conduct the project • Look for and collaborate with the right experts • Apply General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to collect data, electronic data maintenance, information governance and patient confidentiality • Know basics of statistical methods, e.g. parametric and nonparametric statistics, modelling such as correlation and regression • Analyse and interpret data, present results and publish findings/reports • Formulate new questions based on results K. SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING 1 Take responsibility for active learning throughout training period 2 Use patients and experiences encountered during training as triggers to explore new concepts, and continuously apply these to new situations 3 Use the contents of this ETR, reflection from formative assessments/constructive feedback and self-evaluation to • identify gaps in own knowledge and abilities • make plans to address these and • monitor progress 4 Find and use credible and varied sources for learning, including health care experts for tacit knowledge, standard textbooks, peer reviewed journals and evidence-based guidelines
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