Endocrinología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 53 29 awareness of standards and guidelines. significant patient & carer involvement. serious problems, and mutually acceptable for patient & carers. Needs input from supervisor for atypical situations. Ensures continuity of care. carers' preferences. Considers reassurance, expectant measures and simple treatment where appropriate. Occasionally needs advice from supervisor, e.g. for complex situations. negotiating management plans. Monitors progress. Anticipates, avoids and/or deals with unexpected deviations or uncertainty. Generates justifiable approaches to management when guidelines are not available. 4. Clinical reasoning: diagnostic, clinical judgement, decision making skills Limited ability to interpret, to distinguish normal from abnormal and to integrate information. Interprets and makes decisions from familiar patterns and illness scripts. Decisions made using experience- based intuition and logical thinking. Decisions made using critical, logical thinking and debiasing strategies. Calculative analytical approach and lateral thinking for novel situations. 5. Clinical communication and team working Develops working relationship with patient & carers. Focuses on the problem rather than patient & carers. Some awareness of how other team members might assist. Recognises impact of the problem on the patient & carers. Appropriately involves other team members. Adapts and communicates effectively in a range of situations. Coordinates team approach. Empowers patients, carers and team. Advanced skills such as confrontation, catharsis (e.g. enable patient & carers to release emotional tension) or catalysis (e.g. encourage them to problem-solve through reflection and self-discovery) to achieve better outcomes. 6. Medical record keeping and written communication May miss important information or lack clarity and accuracy. Pertinent details included. Presentation may be confusing or not appropriate. Content and presentation are appropriate. Content and presentation are good. Content and presentation are excellent. 7. Reflective practice Limited reflection, self- awareness and evidence of learning. Some self- awareness and some evidence of learning. Good ability to self-assess, identify gaps and prioritise learning. Knows when to seek help. Shows insight and critical self- assessment. Uses these to undertake further development. Shows insight and critical self- assessment for self & others. Uses these to guide further development.
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