Endocrinología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 55 31 13 Psychosocial impact of endocrine and diabetes problems B 14 Implications of fetal and early life endocrine programming for diseases in adulthood B 15 Pharmaco-kinetics and -dynamics of medicines used for managing paediatric endocrine and diabetes problems B B. PROCEDURAL SKILLS IN PAEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY AND DIABETES 1 Use anthropometry and puberty monitoring equipment (e.g. wall mounted stadiometer for standing height, table mounted stadiometer for sitting height, orchidometer), population and disease-specific growth charts or standards for clinical assessment C 2 Assess skeletal maturation from hand and knee radiographs C 3 Prediction of adult height C 4 Assess appearance of the external genitalia using validated methods, such as external genital score (EGS) 1 C 5 Perform dynamic function tests (e.g. growth hormone stimulation tests) D 6 Use blood glucose monitoring technologies (e.g. glucometers, ambulatory continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices) C 7 Use available injectable hormone administration technologies (e.g. insulin pen devices, insulin pump, growth hormone pen devices) C 8 Perform ultrasound examination of thyroid and testes (not essential and will be country-specific depending on the resources available and local needs) D C. PAEDIATRIC ENDOCRINE AND DIABETES EMERGENCIES 1 Adrenal crisis C 2 Diabetic ketoacidosis 2 C 3 Diabetes Hyperglycaemic Hyperosmolar State 2 C 4 Diabetes Insipidus C 5 Hyperkalaemia C 6 Hyponatraemia C 7 Hypernatraemia C 8 Hypocalcaemia C