Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 56 ❚ 32 9 Hypercalcaemia C,D 10 Hypoglycaemia (diabetes and non-diabetes related) C 11 Syndrome of inappropriate ADH and Cerebral salt wasting C 12 Thyroid storm/crisis D 13 Newborn baby with atypical genitalia C D. GROWTH - SHORT STATURE 1 Evaluation of growth • Anthropometric measurements • Growth charts and normal standards: o height, sitting height and subischial leg length, weight, body mass index, head circumference o national and ethnic variations o WHO growth charts o disease specific charts C 2 LMS method (smooth (L) curve, trends in the mean (M) and coefficient of variation (S)) for creating growth charts, population and measurement selection criteria B 3 Definitions of short stature, growth retardation, growth failure, faltering growth, failure to thrive; variations across European countries B 4 Role of growth hormone, thyroid and estrogens on growth and skeletal maturation at different ages B 5 Short stature: • Classification, normal variant vs pathological C 6 Growth hormone deficiency: • Isolated vs associated with other pituitary hormone deficiencies • Transient vs permanent • Role of priming for GH stimulation tests • End of growth re-assessment C 7 Growth hormone replacement therapy: • Mechanism of action on growth and metabolism • Approved indications, doses during childhood and young adulthood 3 (national and international), modification of dose with other hormone replacement, short and long term adverse effects • Rationale for stopping treatment • Price, types of devices C 8 Growth hormone resistance • Genetic disorders of the GH-IGF axis • Acquired: chronic inflammation C
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