Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 84 ❚ Position Statement Horm Res Paediatr 2016;86:1–2 DOI: 10.1159/000447502 2 sembly of the EAP. The present updated syllabus has taken into account pres- ent practice and new developments, checked the feasibility of the current tu- torial system approach with due consideration of national differences in pae- diatric training, and focused on minimum but obligatory requirements. Accreditation of centres, i.e. approval by a team of visiting specialists and official representatives, is ‘recommended’ by the UEMS. In this era of mobil- ity and easy communication channels, it would be desirable to harmonise the paediatric endocrine training across EU countries. This would allow paediat- ric endocrine fellows to move between different centres with confidence, based on a common structured background. Furthermore, there is a demand from several countries for the introduction of a unified accreditation process. At this stage, only few European countries have approved paediatric endo- crinology as a distinct medical subspecialty at the national level. In this con- text, recognition of paediatric endocrinology as a subspecialty in all Europe- an countries is of paramount importance. This will enable all paediatric endo- crine patients to be under the care of a paediatric endocrinologist, who has completed his/her paediatric endocrine training through a structured pro- gramme with the use of portfolios and provision of certification that will be valid in all European countries. ESPE strongly recommends that paediatric endocrinology is recognized as a subspecialty in those countries where the process of approval still remains under consideration. ESPE Council Downloaded by: Osakidetza - SVS Direccion Gral - 10/8/2021 11:14:46 PM
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