Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 47 5 Training Unit Training Units are institutions that provide training in one or more aspects (Modules). They must provide adequate exposure in the defined area and a teacher who is deemed competent in these areas. 6. Requirements for Trainers in PGHN The training staff in a Centre needs to include at least two trainers qualified in PGHN with specialist accreditation. The Training Program Director (TPD) must have been practising PGHN for at least 5 years . There should be additional Educational Supervisors/Trainers who should provide training across all aspects of the speciality and be research active in PGHN. When an aspect of training cannot be provided in one centre it will be necessary for the trainee to be taught at another suitable centre by a trainer approved for that purpose. A Trainer is a person who holds acknowledged expertise in one or several aspects of PGHN. This person's contribution may be restricted to these areas of expertise. Both educational supervisors and trainers must have practised PGHN for a minimum of 2 years . Trainers should work out a training programme for the trainee in accordance with the trainee's own qualities and the available facilities of the institution. Regular review will be required to allow for flexibility and for early identification of problems/deficiencies. The trainer should work with the Trainee to create a Personal Development Plan (PDP). Trainers are expected to provide appraisal and assessment of progress. Appraisal consists of determining what is needed and what evidence is required to show that this has been achieved. Assessment evaluates progress against objectives. Trainee assessment should be provided in terms of: • Training and career ambitions • Training experience related to syllabus • Achievements related to current plan In order to provide a close personal monitoring of the trainee during his/her training, the number of trainees should not exceed the number of teachers in the centre. Trainers will meet the trainee at the beginning of the programme to define the educational contract for that trainee. Reviews of progress should take place at 3 monthly intervals during the first year of training to appraise the individual.