Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 62 ❚ 20 12. Manages conditions that lead to abnormal energy requirements (e.g. cardiac, critical illness or oncology patient). B 13. Understands the ways by which acute and chronic illness can affect nutritional status and nutritional requirements H 14. Understands nutritional needs in patients with liver disease H 15. Nutrition in cystic fibrosis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency H 16. Manages post-surgical patients H 17. Understands the different nutritional needs in children with jejunostomy, ileostomy or colostomy H 18. Assesses dietary intake and requirements in patients with IBD and provides nutritional support to maintain normal growth H 19. Knows how to provide exclusive enteral nutrition in Crohn’s disease. H 20. Prescribes a gluten-free diet, ensures compliance and monitors children with coeliac disease H 21. Provides nutritional support in children with single and multiple food allergies, and oversees nutritional management including dietary exclusions and substitutions H 22. Provides dietetic treatmenr in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis H 23. Identifies who is at risk of refeeding syndrome and how to minimise and manage such risks H 24. Applies the ethical and legal implications of provision, withdrawal and withholding of artificial nutrition support to advocate B III Management of the all aspects of reversible and irreversible intestinal failure Including: • Intestinal failure including (e.g. congenital enteropathies, short bowel syndrome) • Parenteral nutrition 1. Identifies the need for parenteral and enteral nutrition in intestinal failure H 2. Knows how to balance provision of enteral and parenteral nutrition in patients with intestinal failure, and monitors the safety and efficacy of parenteral nutrition B 3. Knows how to prescribe enteral nutrition in intestinal failure related to the type of the disease B 4. Assesses nutritional/fluid requirements and prescribes appropriate and individualised amounts of parenteral nutrition with the team B 5. Knows venous access types for provision of parenteral nutrition and the indications for the insertion of tunnelled central venous catheters H 6. Recognises congenital gut disorders (e.g. enteropathies, transport disorders, immune dysregulation and severe motility disorders) and acquired pathologies (e.g. short bowel syndrome) that may require nutritional support H 7. Understands origin of symptoms in short bowel syndrome related to remnant length and type of intestine H 8. Together with intestinal rehabilitation team manages the fluid, electrolyte and micronutrient disturbances associated with short bowel syndrome, high output stomas, enteropathies and protracted diarrhoea of infancy B 9. Identifies the indications for and appropriate timing of non-transplant surgical options in patients with short bowel syndrome (e.g. intestinal lengthening, closure of stoma and plication) H