Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 63 21 10. Understands the mechanisms of intestinal adaptation, the time over which it occurs and how to promote it H 11. Recognises the timing for home parenteral nutrition H 12. As a part of nutritional support team, supports families in completing the training programme to establish a patient on home parenteral nutrition B 13. Recognises the potential complications of intestinal failure (e.g. bacterial overgrowth, IFALD, central line associated complications, challenges of achieving normal development, linear and bone growth, and quality of life) B 14. Understands when to make a referral for consideration of a small intestinal (+/- liver) transplant and understands the risks of transplantation B I PROCEDURES I Management with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures 1. Assessment of nutritional status of infants and children, including anthropometric measurements (height, weight, head circumference, skin-fold thickness, mid-arm and waist circumference) B 2. Assessment of dehydration and planning fluid therapy H 3. Knows indications, how to insert and manage nasogastric tube H 4. Knows indications of jejunal feeding and how to achieve it by nasojejunal tube, PEG-J placement or through jejunostomy feeding tube B 5. Knows the indications for abdominal ultrasound and collaborates with radiologist during the procedure and in the interpretation of findings H 6. Knows the appropriate timing of upper endoscopy and colonoscopy H 7. Manages the indications and contraindications for endoscopy and the implications of comorbidities (e.g. critical illness, diabetes mellitus and immune deficiency) H 8. Prepares a patient for ileo-colonoscopy and understands the safety and appropriateness of the procedure in different age groups H 9. Understands endoscope design, construction and maintenance H 10. Selects the correct endoscopic equipment based on patient age and task required, can perform pre-procedure equipment checks and demonstrates problem-solving for equipment malfunction H 11. Discusses the rationale for and performs safe pre- and post-operative checks, such as those included in the World Health Organisation (WHO) surgical safety checklist H 12. Performs upper gastrointestinal endoscopy; intubates the duodenum and performs the J-manoeuvre to view the fundus H 13. Performs ileo-colonoscopy; reaching the caecum and intubates the terminal ileum as required H 14. Takes biopsies and other necessary actions as required H 15. Interprets the histological results of the oesophageal, gastric and intestinal biopsies with histopathologist H 16. Knows indications and participate in the installation of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) and understands possible complications H 17. Knows indications and participate in the installation of PEG - jejunostomy and understands possible complications H 18. Knows how to maintain PEG H 19. Knows how to replace PEG with gastrostomy tube or button H