Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 64 ❚ 22 20. Recognises and manages the indications, contraindications and complications of endoscopic polyp removal H 21. Recognises the risks of foreign body ingestion, particularly button battery ingestion H 22. Indicates foreign body removal based on symptoms, type of foreign body and part of the GI tract where foreign body is located H 23. Knows appropriate time for endoscopy in children with GI bleeding H 24. Participate in the treatment of upper GI bleeding during interventional upper gastrointestinal endoscopy B 25. Participate in balloon dilatation and bougie-dilatation of oesophageal and intestinal stenosis B 26. Knows indications for oesophageal pH metry and impedance H 27. Interprets results of oesophageal pH metry and impedance H 28. Knows indications for oesophageal manometry and knows how to implement the results B 29. Knows indications for anorectal manometry and knows how to implement the results H 30. Knows indications for colonic manometry and knows how to implement the results B 31. Knows indications and contraindications for liver biopsy H 32. Interprets the histological results of the liver biopsies with histopathologist H 33. Recognizes complications of liver biopsy H 34. Knows indications for capsule videoendosopy, enteroscopy and ERCP H 35. Knows when to refer patient to radiological investigations (plain x-ray films, contrast and other imaging studies such as ultrasound, endoscopic ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, cholangiography) and knows how to interpret the results together with radiologist H