Hematología y Oncología Pediátricas. Anexos ❚ 29 European Training Programme in Paediatric Haematology and Oncology    _________________________________________________________________________________________ SIOP Europe – March 2020 Background The syllabus is a comprehensive document detailing the SIOP‐E endorsed training programme that  provides the recommended essential training requirements for trainees in paediatric haematology  and oncology to be delivered in a 2‐year modular training programme with an optional third year  possible.  The 2‐year programme includes both haematological malignancies and solid tumors. Non‐malignant  conditions such as coagulation disorders and haemoglobinopathies/anaemias are excluded and will  be covered by the European Haematology Association (Scientific group: Paediatric Haematology).   The training program has been designed in a modular fashion. The modules contain core knowledge  and practical aspects related to a diagnostic and therapeutic approach which are essential for all  trainees in paediatric haematology and oncology. Expertise in practical procedures is also required,  specifically concerning lumbar punctures, bone marrow aspirations, bone marrow biopsies and skin  biopsies. More specific aspects concerning diagnosis, disease‐related treatment and follow‐up are  also specified within the programme. In addition, the trainee is also expected to be familiar with  research methodologies and ethical issues pertaining to research and clinical management.   Finally, based on final career intentions of the trainees, it may be advisable to spend an additional  year for more specific training in haematological malignancies, solid tumours or central nervous  system (CNS) tumours.   The final goal is to ensure a standard training program throughout Europe, allowing the specialists in  paediatric haematology and oncology to exercise their skills in a specialised tertiary care unit.  Update March 2020 This document is an update, coordinated by Andishe Attarbaschi, SIOP Europe Board Member , of  the 2‐YEAR TRAINING PROGRAMME IN PAEDIATRIC HAEMATOLOGY and ONCOLOGY originally  developed in March 2013 by Riccardo Riccardi, former Chairman, SIOP Europe Education and  Training Committee, as part of the ENCCA Project, WP15 Education and Training.