Hematología y Oncología Pediátricas. Anexos ❚ 31 European Training Programme in Paediatric Haematology and Oncology    _________________________________________________________________________________________ SIOP Europe – March 2020 Module 2: Practical Activities DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC APPROACH   Clinical, laboratory and radiological investigations for appropriate staging of different  tumors   Interpretation of radiological investigations and laboratory findings   Treatment planning at primary diagnosis or relapse, according to current  national/international protocols   Recognition and treatment of the main emergencies at diagnosis and during treatment    Treatment of infectious diseases according to current guidelines    Accurate pain evaluation and adequate treatment   Palliative care   Role of physiotherapy in paediatric oncology   Dietary requirements during treatment of cancer   Intrathecal drug administration and safety issues according to good clinical practice   Management of acute reactions to drugs and extravasation of chemotherapy agents    Management of central venous line complications   Autologous hematopoietic stem cells transfusion procedure and treatment related  complications    Tumor and treatment‐related follow up plan    Communication with parents, children and adolescents   Interaction and coordination with other professionals involved in the care of children and  adolescents with cancer (i.e., nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists, dietitians)   Specific needs for ethnically and socially diverse families  ADOLESCENTS / YOUNG ADULTS WITH CANCER    Tumor behaviour, biology and treatment in adolescents and young adults with cancer   Specific psychological needs in adolescents and young adults with cancer   Consent, aspects and ethical aspects in adolescents and young adults with cancer  MINIMUM NUMBER OF PROCEDURES TO BE PERFORMED    25 lumbar punctures   25 bone marrow aspirations   20 bone marrow biopsies   1‐5 skin biopsies