Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 46 ❚ Final version 6 2017: Application form Paediatric Subspeciality UEMS Author: Dr. NG Hartwig on behalf of the ESPID educational committee 2. Aims of training 2.1. Content of training knowledge General: On the basis of this training, European PID specialists should have an understanding of the scientific principles of infectious diseases, microbiology, virology, mycology, parasitology and the immune response. Epidemiology: To have knowledge of mortality and morbidity rates of infectious diseases and factors influencing these rates. To have knowledge of methods of data collection at national and local level, including notifiable diseases. Physiology: To have knowledge of structure, function and development of the immune system. To have knowledge of microbes and the host-pathogen interaction. Pathophysiology: To have knowledge of microbes and the host pathogen interaction with sufficient attention to normal and disturbed defence mechanisms of the host. Pathophysiology of underlying conditions: To have knowledge about the relationship between infections and anatomical abnormalities, surgical procedures, neonates, malignancies, presence of prosthetic material. Diagnostics: To become acquainted with microbiological and immunological laboratory diagnostics in relation to infectious and immunological diseases. To gain an understanding of the principles of bacterial and viral culture, ELISA, PCR techniques, flow cytometry. To know how to manage clinical laboratory samples, to maintain quality standards and to ensure the safety of its staff. To become acquainted with imaging diagnostics in relation to infectious and immunological diseases. To become acquainted with laboratory diagnostics in relation to immunological diseases, genetics and transplant biology. Diseases: To have solid knowledge of clinical signs and diagnostic criteria of infectious and immunologic diseases. To have solid knowledge of the prevention of infections in immunocompromised patients, either primary, acquired (secondary) or iatrogenic.