Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 50 ❚ Final version 6 2017: Application form Paediatric Subspeciality UEMS Author: Dr. NG Hartwig on behalf of the ESPID educational committee 3. Training program 3.1. Structure of the program A medical doctor who has successfully completed his/her training of at least 3 years in general paediatrics will be eligible for access to further specialist training in PID. Clinical training in PID of a minimum of 24 months (full time equivalent) is considered adequate; in some countries a longer training may be required. The precise training programme will vary from centre to centre. We recommend that the programme be designed locally to ensure that the trainee acquires competencies in several key areas. Each trainee should be allocated to a mentor/educational supervisor at the commencement of training. The mentor/educational supervisor is responsible that assessments will take place and he/she monitors that the trainee is recording his/her competencies. In some countries a final certification in Paediatric Infectious Diseases is undertaken, but this is not mandatory and should not replace the process of mentoring and professional assessment. Each area of competency set out below comprises a specific area of practice specific to paediatric infectious diseases. In addition, more general areas of competency should be developed, for example clinical governance and audit. The areas of competency can be identified from the curriculum. In addition to the training necessary to support the development of the competencies, it is recommended that the trainee develops expertise in specific areas relevant to the practice of paediatric infectious diseases, for example:  Laboratory diagnostics  Neonatal infections  Infections in the immunocompromised host  Transplantation medicine  HIV/AIDS care 3.2 Key competencies Laboratory management: the trainee will be able to describe the logistic procedures that patient samples undergo in the microbiological and immunological laboratory. Clinical consultancy: The trainee will demonstrate increasing skills to advice other physicians in diagnostic procedures and treatment pertaining infectious diseases in their patients. Outpatient care: The trainee will demonstrate skills to run an outpatient-clinic and is able to carry out administrative duties, to participate in organisation and to optimise the clinical care pathways.