Infectología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 53 Final version 6 2017: Application form Paediatric Subspeciality UEMS Author: Dr. NG Hartwig on behalf of the ESPID educational committee 11 We recommend that each national body maintains a register of trainees and is provided with suitable certification of satisfactory training. Furthermore, we recommend that national bodies or the scientific society (ESPID) develop systems for the regular review of training centres for Paediatric Infectious Diseases. 4. Trainee prerequisites The trainee must have:  University degree in Medicine  Completed a core training in paediatrics i.e. at least the common trunk of 3 years as established by the UEMS or an accredited paediatric training (minimum 3 years) outside Europe 5. Training institutes and requirements 5.1 Training centres Type of unit Academic centre Size of unit not specified Staff min. of 2 fte (= fulltime equivalent) Equipment not applicable Quality assurance Accreditation by national bodies Supporting departments Laboratory for microbiology Laboratory for virology Laboratory for immunology Neonatology intensive care Paediatric intensive care Paediatric oncology and/or transplantation ward (stem cell or organ transplant) The trainee is allowed to follow specific training in affiliated training centre with respect to one of the above departments when not present in the training centre itself.