Infectología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 59 Final version 6 2017: Application form Paediatric Subspeciality UEMS Author: Dr. NG Hartwig on behalf of the ESPID educational committee B. Skills: 1. Technical skills Competence level 1 = orientation 2 = executed once 3 = independent 4 = routine 5 = transfer to others Required level Own level Months Date 12 18 end Venepuncture 5 5 5 Peripheral cannula insertion 5 5 5 Lumbar puncture 5 5 5 Urethral catheterisation 3 4 5 Supra-pubic aspiration of urine 3 4 5 Skin biopsy for fibroblast culture 1 2 2 Bone marrow aspirate 1 2 3 2. Cognitive skills a. Self studies Competence level 1 = orientation 2 = executed once 3 = independent 4 = routine 5 = transfer to others Required level Own level Months Date 12 18 end Formulate clear learning points about specific patient related problems 3 4 5 Consult required specialists for the analysis of problems 3 4 5 Evaluate shortcoming of own learning capabilities and taking measures to improve this 3 4 5 b. Critical evaluation of knowledge sources Competence level 1 = orientation 2 = executed once 3 = independent 4 = routine 5 = transfer to others Required level Own level Months Date 12 18 end Analyse clinical data, laboratory and other data 3 4 5 Analyse published information on evidence 4 4 5 Asses validity and applicability of the data analysed 4 4 5 C. Attitude 1. Towards patients and parents Competence level 1 = orientation 2 = executed once 3 = independent 4 = routine 5 = transfer to others Required level Own level Months Date 12 18 end Acknowledge the concerns of parents 3 4 5 Information, communication and support for parents 3 4 5