Infectología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 63 Final version 6 2017: Application form Paediatric Subspeciality UEMS Author: Dr. NG Hartwig on behalf of the ESPID educational committee VII. Professionalism Competence level 1 = orientation 2 = executed once 3 = independent 4 = routine 5 = transfer to others Required level Own level Months Date 12 18 end Professional behaviour 3 4 5 Stress management and leading acute situations 4 5 5 Ensure a good condition, both physical and mental 4 5 5 Use the correct means to maintain and develop competencies 3 4 5 Ongoing evaluation of knowledge and skills, and know ones own limitations 3 4 5 Realise personal and professional aspects of the job and being able to analyse and solve personal problems in a professional environment 3 4 5 Aim for a good balance between roles and responsibilities as a private and professional person and attempt to solve conflicting interests in a good manner 2 3 4 Knowledge of healthcare related professional, legal and ethical guidelines and attempt to try finding solutions for ethical questions in daily practice e.g. being honest, agreement, unusual prescriptions, confidentiality, end of life care, conflicting interests, allocation of appliances, and ethical aspects of scientific research 2 3 4 Knowledge of relevant legislation in relation to healthcare and take this into account in clinical practice 3 4 5 Recognise and correct unprofessional behaviour in clinical practice 2 3 4