Inmunología Clínica, Alergología y Asma Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 35 5 European Syllabus in Paediatric Allergology for Tertiary Care Specialists: Log Book C Diagnosis of allergy (mandatory) K Tutor sign S Tutor sign 1. Definition of allergy and atopy. H 2. Methods for routine and scientific skin prick tests, allergen patch tests and intradermal tests and their interpretation H H 3. Basophil activation Test (BAT) I 4. Methods and interpretation of challenge tests in the conjunctiva, (nose), bronchi (allergen bronchial challenges) and single blind and double blind oral food and drug challenges, See also Asthma, Food Allergy and Drug Allergy H H 5. Methods for in vitro IgE (singleplex and multiple assays) and IgG testing and their interpretation H 6. Methods for determination of mediators of allergic inflammation (MC mediators, Eosinophile cell derived mediators, interleukins and other cell markers). H 7. Indications for in vivo and in vitro allergy testing. H 8. In vivo test for delayed hypersensitivity (allergy patch test, intradermal tests) H H 9. In vitro morphological and functional assessment of cells and molecules involved in the mechanisms of immune response, hypersensitivity and immunopathology, according to current state of the art (principle and interpretation; meaning and validity of test results) H D Bronchial asthma and other wheezing disorders (mandatory) K Tutor sign S Tutor sign 1 Different recurrent wheezing and asthma clinical patterns and phenotypes, their different pathology and natural history (including underlying pathophysiology and basic epidemiology) H 2 Differential diagnosis of asthma and clinically similar paediatric disorders H H 3 Epidemiology of viral infections, mechanisms of viral wheezing H 4 Treatment of acute asthma and wheezing illness at various ages H H 5 Long term management of asthma and recurrent wheezing at different ages including age related pharmacology and emerging therapeutic strategies, with special emphasis on side effects and those influencing children's growth H H 6 Available techniques for inhalation therapy and their age related advantages and limitations H H