Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 38 ❚ 8 European Syllabus in Paediatric Allergology for Tertiary Care Specialists: Log Book G Food Allergy (mandatory) K Tutor sign S Tutor sign 13. Treatment of food allergy a. Elimination diet (nutritional aspects, education, EU regulative re. labelling etc.) b. Symptomatic treatment c. Treatment of anaphylaxis (see I) H H c. SOTI (Specific Oral Tolerance Induction) – no established recommendation d. EPIT (Epicutaneous Immunotherrapy) – still experimental optional 14. Nutrition in food allergy/intolerance H H 15. Prognosis of food allergy; need for follow-up and re- challenges H H H Insect venom and body allergy 1 (mandatory) K Tutor sign S Tutor sign 1. Definition of insect venom, insect body and related allergy in children H 2. Epidemiology of insect allergy in children H 3. IgE mediated insect venom and body allergy: Diagnosis of causing insect allergen by history H H 4. IgE mediated insect venom and body allergy: Diagnosis of causing insect allergen by skin tests, and in vitro IgE tests H H 5. IgE mediated insect venom and body allergy: Confirmation of the diagnosis of causing insect allergen by challenges? H H 6. Prophylactic measures in insect allergy H 7. Non allergic adverse reactions to insect venom and body material H 8. Immunotherapy in Hymenoptera venom allergy (VIT), see K - Immunotherapy H H 9. Non-immunological treatment of IgE mediated insect venom and body allergy H H 1 Insect allergy should be defined as allergy to Hymenoptera venoms, other insect venoms like mosquito bites/ mosquito venom, insect and lower animal and plant allergens, e.g. midges, spiders, nematodes, green algae and other algae etc.