Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 40 ❚ 10 European Syllabus in Paediatric Allergology for Tertiary Care Specialists: Log Book K Preventive measures (mandatory) K Tutor sign S Tutor sign 1. Definition of prevention ∙ Primary prevention ∙ Secondary prevention ∙ Tertiary prevention H 2. Information and education H H 3. Discussion of possible effect of avoidance/reduction of exposure to inhalant allergens (mites, molds, dander, pollens, other) H 4. Environmental treatment including diagnosis and measurement of allergen exposure H 5. Dietary prevention ∙ Primary prevention in all infants a. Breast feeding ∙ Primary dietary prevention in high risk infants a. Breast feeding b. The role of documented hypoallergenic formulas ∙ Secondary dietary prevention in individuals with food allergy H H 6. Prevention of exposure to tobacco smoking ∙ Preventive measures against starting smoking ∙ Measures to help stop smoking ∙ Measures to prevent second-hand exposure to smoke H H 7. The possible role of pre-biotics, pro-biotics and symbiotics in allergy prevention H 8. The possible role of specific nutrients (D- vitamin, E-vitamin, antioxidants, n3/n6 PUFA, etc) H 9. Principles of treatment of exercise induced asthma H 10. Physical training for asthmatics H H 11. Skin care for eczema H H 12. Occupational guidance H H