Inmunología Clínica, Alergología y Asma Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 41 11 European Syllabus in Paediatric Allergology for Tertiary Care Specialists: Log Book L Allergen Immunotherapy 2 (mandatory) K Tutor sign S Tutor sign 1. Organization of allergen vaccination/immunotherapy, the facilities, personnel, education and continuous training H H 2. Methods used for allergen vaccination/immunotherapy (IT) H H 3. Allergen vaccines/extracts used for immunotherapy (extracts, recombinant allergens, modified allergens) and their pharmacokinetics H 4. Mechanisms of IT H H 5. Indications and contraindications for IT H H 6. Information to patients and parents in advance of a decision to start IT H 7. Allergy diagnosis (history, skin tests, in vitro allergen specific IgE, provocation tests), see B 1, Allergy Diagnosis, and asthma diagnosis, lung function, optimal asthma therapy, allergen avoidance, before the start IT (SCIT, SLIT and VIT) H H 8. Subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT): Dosing, dose schedules, top doses, intervals, duration long term prognosis preventive effects etc. H 9. SCIT, with allergen extracts/preparations of house dust mites, pollens, animal danders, food and Hymenoptera venoms H 10. Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT): Dosing, dose schedules, top doses, intervals, duration long term prognosis preventive effects etc. H 11. SLIT, with allergen extracts/preparations of house dust mites, pollens, animal danders and foods H H 12. Possible new methods for Immunotherapy with allergen extracts: Epicutaneous immunoherapy (EPIT) see G-Food Allergy) Intradermal immunotherapy (IDIT) optional 13. IT: Supervision of asthma, environmental control, medication and allergen exposure H H 14. IT: Evaluation by annual clinical, immunological investigation H H 15. IT: Long-term follow up of clinical and immunological results in children given IT H H 2 Subcutaneous immunotherapy = SCIT; Sublingual immunotherapy = SLIT; Hymenoptera venom immunotherapy = VIT; Epicutaneous immunotherapy = EPIT; Intradermal immunotherapy = IDIT; Allergen immunotherapy in general =IT.