Inmunología Clínica, Alergología y Asma Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 43 13 European Syllabus in Paediatric Allergology for Tertiary Care Specialists: Log Book N Approach to the allergic child and his family (mandatory) K Tutor sign S Tutor sign 1. History taking in allergic patients H 2. Recognizing clinical symptoms and signs of allergy H H 3. The “allergic march” and child with multi -systemic allergy H 4. Communication with children of all ages and their parents, placing emphasis on counselling skills and provision of appropriate disease education in order to optimize patients' compliance H H 5. Proper assessment and handling of family interactions and their impact on clinical symptoms and signs H H 6. Social and psychological issues relevant for children and families with allergic diseases H H O Research (mandatory) S Tutor sign 1. Scientific literature appraisal H 2. Training in planning, conducting, evaluating and publishing research projects H 3. Practical experience in presenting results to national and international audiences in form of oral or poster presentations H P Teaching (mandatory) K Tutor sign S Tutor sign 1. Informal teaching of junior doctors or nurses in Paediatric Allergology during clinical work H 2. Formal lectures in PA to medical students, junior doctors or nurses H 3. Knowledge and application of educational programmes for parents and patients in PA H H