Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 44 ❚ 14 European Syllabus in Paediatric Allergology for Tertiary Care Specialists: Log Book Q Paediatric Respiratory Medicine: Physiology and Assessment (mandatory) K Tutor sign S Tutor sign 1. Developmental anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system including ventilation – perfusion and gas exchange H 2. Physiology and evaluation of cough, shortness of breath and noisy breathing H H 3. Respiratory function testing in infants, preschool aged and cooperative children: measurement and interpretation of spirometry and lung volumes, interruption technique, impulse oscillometry, plethismograpy, lung diffusion, rapid thoraco- abdominal compression H I 4. Performance and interpretation of reversibility and bronchial provocation testing H H 5. Indication, interpretation and basic principles of conventional radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography and isotope imaging methods H I 6. Indications and interpretation of the various airway endoscopy procedures in children: flexible and rigid bronchoscopy, broncho-alveolar lavage, bronchial biopsies I 7. Indications and interpretation of cardio-respiratory poligraphy I 8. Bronchial responsiveness: measurement, affecting factors, mechanisms, epidemiology and clinical application. Unspecific and specific challenge tests. Exercise Challenge test H H 9. Non invasive inflammation markers (including performance and interpretation of exhaled nitric oxide measurements) H H 10. Invasive inflammation markers I