Neonatología. Anexos ❚ 61 9 Log-book The trainee should keep a log-book of patients they have seen, procedures conducted, diagnosis and therapeutic interventions instigated and followed-up. This will constitute part of their portfolio. Electronic versions of the portfolio and log-book are preferred. The trainee will be required to keep his/her personal log-book or equivalent up-to-date according to national guidelines and EU directives. The log-book must be endorsed by his/her trainer or authorised deputy. The trainee should attend and provide evidence of attendance at local, regional and national meetings. Attendance at international professional, scientific meetings is considered essential for neonatal specialist training. It is recommended to present posters and/or give presentations at these meetings. Attendance at summer schools or other educational training schools is generally expected and strongly encouraged. Competency assessment Competencies should be evaluated throughout the training period. There are a number of different tools for this, describing different aspects of training. Some of these are set out below with a recommendation for the number that should be completed during each year of training. Formal and informal reflection on these assessments is an important aspect of their success (please see ‘ Table 2: Competency assessment ’ for further information). Knowledge base As a proposal, examinations can follow the below format: 1) Evaluation of practical abilities as described in the log-book. The log-book should be either bi- lingual, in the national language and in English, or in English used as a lingua franca. 2) Theoretical multiple response questionnaire 3) Solution of a practical case 4) Research interests and performance, as assessed by presenting the citation and a copy of presented posters and/ or published articles Participation in audit projects The trainee should conduct at least one systematic style review of a topic, and, in addition, do a critical appraisal of a research paper, prepare a detailed evidence-based appraisal of a diagnostic test or a therapeutic intervention.